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Ильхам Алиев и первая леди Мехрибан Алиева ознакомились с условиями, созданными после ремонта и реконструкции в 15 многоквартирных зданиях в городе Ходжалы
Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на официальный сайт главы Азербайджанского государства, 28 мая Президент Азербайджанской Республики Ильхам Алиев, первая леди Мехрибан Алиева и их дочь Арзу Алиева ознакомились с условиями, созданными после ремонта и реконструкции в 15 многоквартирных зданиях в городе Ходжалы.
Специальный представитель Президента Азербайджанской Республики в городе Ханкенди, Агдеринском и Ходжалинском районах Эльчин Юсубов и председатель правления Государственного агентства жилищного строительства Садыг Садыгов проинформировали о проводимых работах.
"Fitch Solutions" updated the economic growth forecast of Azerbaijan
FS reduced the forecast of economic growth in 2025 from 3.3% to 2.8%, identified economic growth of 3.2% in 2026 and 3.1% in 2027, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to APA.
"Fitch Solutions" forecasts nominal gross domestic product (GDP) to be $98.7 billion in 2024, $107.7 billion in 2025, $117.6 billion in 2026, and $128 billion in 2027.
"Fitch Solutions” Azərbaycanın iqtisadi artım proqnozunu yeniləyib
Caspian Energy Media APA-ya istinadən xəbər verir ki, FS 2025-ci ildə Azərbaycanda iqtisadi artım proqnozunu 3,3%-dən 2,8%-ə endirib, 2026-cı il üzrə 3,2%, 2027-ci il üzrə isə 3,1% iqtisadi artım müəyyən edib.
"Fitch Solutions” 2024-cü il üzrə nominal ümumdaxili məhsulun (ÜDM) 98,7 mlrd. dollara, 2025-ci ildə isə 107,7 mlrd. dollara, 2026-cı ildə 117,6 mlrd. dollara, 2027-ci ildə isə 128 mlrd. dollara çatacağını proqnozlaşdırıb.
Oil become expensive in the world markets
The price of Brent crude oil on the London ICE (InterContinental Exchange Futures) increased by $0.19 to $84.41, while the price of Light crude oil on the NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange) increased by $0.28 to stand at $80.11, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to AZERTAC.
Dünya birjalarında neft bahalaşıb
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, Londonun ICE (“InterContinental Exchange Futures”) birjasında “Brent” markalı neftin bir barelinin qiyməti 0,19 dollar artaraq 84,41 dollar olub. Nyu-Yorkun NYMEX (“New York Mercantile Exchange”) birjasında “Light” markalı neftin bir barelinin qiyməti isə 0,28 dollar artaraq 80,11 dollar təşkil edib.
Azerbaijani oil become more expensive
Azerbaijani oil has become more expensive in the world market.
A barrel of Azeri Light crude oil increased by $2.59 or 3.1 percent, reaching a trading value to $85.05, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to AZERTAC.
Azərbaycan nefti bahalaşıb
Dünya bazarında Azərbaycan nefti bahalaşıb.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, “Azeri Light” markalı neftin bir barelinin qiyməti 2,59 dollar və ya 3,1 faiz artaraq 85,05 dollar olub.
Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed conditions of 15 multi-apartment buildings in Khojaly city following repair and reconstruction
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, and their daughter Arzu Aliyeva inspected the conditions of 15 multi-apartment buildings in the city of Khojaly following repair and reconstruction efforts, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan.
Elchin Yusubov, the special representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the city of Khankendi, and the Aghdara and Khojaly districts, along with Sadig Sadigov, Chairman of the Board of the State Housing Development Agency, provided information about the completed work.
Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva met with residents who relocated to the city of Khojaly
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, and their daughter Arzu Aliyeva met with residents who relocated to the city of Khojaly on May 28, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan.
The head of state presented keys to the apartments to the residents of Khojaly.
Then, President Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, and their daughter Arzu Aliyeva toured the city of Khojaly with the residents, familiarizing themselves with the developments and the master plan of the city.
Ilham Aliyev received Co-founder and Co-chair of CVC Capital Partners
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Co-founder and Co-chair of CVC Capital Partners Rolly van Rappard on May 29, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan.