I first met Mr. Yusifzade in 2007. At that time I was appointed a Head of the Mechanics and Energy Division of SOCAR Ecology Department and was supposed to hold a presentation. Many issues associated with this division were controlled by the First Vice President of SOCAR Khoshbakht Yusifzade.  He received me in his office and we talked a lot. I also would like to note that Mr. Yusifzade has a quite different attitude toward the oil industry workers. His unique sense of humor always sets the right tone for any conversation. In particular, he asked me a question which I still remember.

He asked what the difference between a generator and an engine was. As a usual, I continued giving scientific explanations. At that period I was thoroughly studying this field. I spoke with an enthusiasm and in details about various points of connection between these two units. He was listening very carefully. Since his looks did not reflect satisfaction, I continued drawing additional schemes and proceeded with explanation. He looked in my face and said: “Ruslan, you said in a wrong way”.

I was surprised and answered: “Mr. Yusifzade, I think it is all that I know. He said: “This question has a short answer”. A generator is a man, an engine is a woman.  A generator is earning while an engine is wasting”, he said, smiling. Mr. Yusifzade can explain a complex oil industry in a much simpler language, as a real oilman. 

Then I took over an important position at Azerigaz Production Union. And every time when telling many interesting things about Mr. Yusifzade, I bring this example to first-timers with a smile. A wise man’s words have always been valuable. And our nation has always given big significance to his words.

You have probably seen the degree of interest shown toward the speeches and opinions of Khoshbakht Yusifzade at SOCAR events held with the participation of the Azerbaijan Republic President Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The head of state is always very attentive to Mr. Yusifzade who enjoys the President’s special trust. There are a lot of new things that we learnt from Mr. Yusifzade, but many oil industry workers will keep learning many things in future as well. In particular, how a person should love and be responsible for his work. Learning it can bring success to everybody. I perfectly remember technical inspections carried out by Azerigaz PU at that time due to problems caused by carbon oxide. You cannot imagine how concerned Mr. Yusifzade was about incidents of suffocation among people. He used to summon urgent meetings right away. “Explain, show the way out, what we can do in order to prevent such incidents”, he said without hiding his anxiety, and has always managed to find a solution for a challenging situation.

I think everyone in Azerbaijan knows Mr. Yusifzade well enough. He is the only person-citizen with whom everyone is on good terms because he always tries to do good. He keeps working tirelessly these days as well. Looking at a ninety years old Khoshbakht Yusifzade, you are trying to be more responsible, saying: “Why should I get tired of work?” I would say that Mr. Yusifzade alone has the best recipe for happiness.

Published in Interview