Friday, 05 April 2024 06:53

Azercosmos presents new digital platform

Azercosmos has presented to the public the digital climate platform prepared on the impact of global climate change in Azerbaijan, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos). The platform was showcased at the conference dedicated to the Green World Solidarity Year.

Need to be noted that a comparative analysis of climate change based on satellite imagery has been conducted on the digital platform prepared in two languages. The analyses on the platform cover five directions – snow cover and glaciers, water resources, drought and desertification, agricultural lands, and atmospheric changes.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Umayra Taghiyeva, Director of the Geographic Information Systems Center of Azercosmos Ismet Bakhishov, Head of Land Use Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture Firidun Taghiyev, Adviser to the chairperson of the Azerbaijan State Agency of Water Resources Asad Shirinov, and Country Manager for the United Nations Global Compact Office, Samir Mammadov, made presentations on the dynamics and impacts of climate change in Azerbaijan.


Read 163 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 07:59