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Azərbaycan neftinin qiyməti 89 dollara çatıb
Dünya bazarında Azərbaycan nefti bahalaşıb.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadənxəbər verir ki, “Azeri Light” markalı neftin bir barelinin qiyməti 1,83 dollar və ya 2,1 faiz artaraq 89 dollar olub.
Şuşada “Sahibkarlar üçün yeni imkanlar: Qarabağı birlikdə quraq” adlı tədbir keçirilir
İqtisadiyyat Nazirliyinin təşkilatçılığı ilə Şuşada “Sahibkarlar üçün yeni imkanlar: Qarabağı birlikdə quraq” adlı tədbir keçirilir.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, məqsəd sahibkarlıq subyektlərinə Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonlarının investisiya imkanlarının və biznes perspektivlərinin təqdim edilməsi, dövlət-özəl sektor əməkdaşlığı modeli üzrə müzakirələrin təşkilidir.
Tədbirdə həmçinin G2B (dövlət-biznes) formatında görüşlər keçiriləcək.
Natia Turnava: Georgia is a natural hub connecting east and west
Caspian Energy (CE): The World Bank is predicting a 5% economic growth of Georgia in 2019? Which measures are planned to be taken to maintain an economic growth?
Natia Turnava, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia: We expect that wave of strong positive tendencies in Georgian economic performance will continue during 2019. According to the preliminary estimate, economic growth rate in March 2019 amounted to 6 percent and average growth of January-March equaled to 4.7 percent. Strong economic fundamentals and macroeconomic stability creates the solid background for further growth. According to IMF’s latest estimates, Georgia will have highest growth rate among neighboring countries in 2019-2024, averaging 5.1%.
Herewith International Financial Institutions highlight positive expectations towards our country’s economic development. Georgia improved positions in sovereign credit rating performance. In April, 2019 “S&P” upgraded sovereign credit rating outlook prom stable to positive. Earlier, in February 2019, Fitch upgraded Georgia’s credit rating to “BB” from “BB-“. Macroeconomic stability, resilience towards external shocks, favorable business environment and institutional strength are among the main reasons for increasing sovereign rating that creates the solid background for increasing investors confidence.
Overall, economic growth in the country is private sector driven. Investments in real sector, export diversification, further improvement of business environment and increase of tourist flows will be the key drivers that positively affect Georgia’s economic performance.
Moreover, economic growth in the country will be supported by structural reforms and appropriate economic policy. Fiscal policy will be more oriented on growth, meaning increase of capital expenditures and speed up implementation of infrastructural projects. Capital market development and pension reform will positively affect economy in the medium term. The more long term reform is education reform, which is main priority of the government, which will increase human capital in the economy and improve our competitiveness.
Together with these reforms, Government of Georgia has prioritized SME development as we expect this to be the main source of private sector growth, jobs creation and innovation. As well, GoG continues implementation of the DCFTA reform agenda, which is essential for the utilization of potential provided by the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.
Herewith, actions oriented at institutional strength and increase of government efficiency will further contribute to the productivity enhancement and acceleration of economic growth. To this end, Government is committed to further support foreign capital inflows into Georgian economy, as FDI is an important source of economic growth and knowledge and technologies transfer.
Successful economic reforms implemented in the country has already brought tangible results that are well reflected in international rankings. In regard with ease of doing business, Georgia is one of the leading countries globally taking 6th position worldwide and 1st position in ECA region having the 3rd lowest tax burden in the world.
CE: Accumulated pension system has been launched in Georgia since 2019. What are the initial results of this process?
Natia Turnava: The Pension Reform, which implied creation of defined contributory pensions system (Pillar II) is effective since January 2019. Within the system, accumulation of contributions has started from January 2019 and more than 747 770 employees are participating in the system. Total contributions of pension fund as of May 1st 2019, amounts to more than 174 million GEL. Defined contributory pension system enjoys exempt-exempt-exempt (EEE) tax regime, which means that contribution, accrued profit and distributed pension are exempted from taxes.
The reform is expected to have important economic implications, including encouragement of savings and development of long-term financial resources thus boosting capital market development and ultimately contributing to country’s economic growth. Under the new system we expect that the replacement rate, which is currently roughly around 20 percent, will increase significantly and for median income person it will reach 50 percent. The reform will ensure adequate income level at the retirement and fiscal sustainability of pension system, thus reducing dependency on the state budget.
CE: What potential do you see in Georgia for Azeri and foreign investors in general? Which spheres of the economy in Georgia are nowadays the most important for development?
Natia Turnava: Georgia is a country of swift, effective and prudent reforms which has managed to gain international momentum and then also maintain it by prudent policies, predictable political setting and one of the more stable macroeconomic environments.
We have a full set of fundamental investment advantages – Georgia is one of the easiest places in the world in terms of Doing business. Georgia is safe and secure destination for every Investor equally, including of course Azeri businesses, who are very successful and active in our country. Georgia has low costs of operating business. And most importantly, Georgia is a natural hub connecting east and west and has a duty-free access to more than 2.3 billion consumer markets through its strong FTA network amongst others, includes both EU and China.
And in terms of further potential – There is no unique model to tackle development threats, but there are good principles and readiness of the Government and policymakers to be consistently committed to designing and applying better strategies. We, I believe are that kind of a dedicated Government and are really optimistic about the future in terms of Trade, Investments, Productivity and Growth.
Currently we are witnessing a major ongoing transformation of Georgia to a knowledge economy, when we are shifting from import substitution and traditional sectors to knowledge and technology-intensive businesses. This, of course, is mainly driven by our young and talented labor and clear interest of both Georgian and international investors, but let me also highlight the importance of Government’s proactive involvement by investing considerable amounts in our infrastructure and education to support tomorrows demands of large-scale impact investments.
CE: Despite the growth of turnover between the two countries, official Baku and Tbilisi affirm the importance of expanding economic cooperation, including in non-energy and other sectors. Which ways for turnover growth can Georgia suggest?
Natia Turnava: As you have highlighted, in recent years we have observed positive trends in trade and economic cooperation between Georgia and Azerbaijan. Based on statistical data of 2018, the trade turnover amounted to 1 089 mln USD, Azerbaijan is the 3rd largest trading partner for Georgia with the share of 9% in total turnover. Export of Georgia to Azerbaijan amounted to 503 mln USD, increased by 85% and import of Azerbaijan to Georgia totaled 586 mln USD, increased by 6%. Azerbaijan is Georgia’s first largest trade partner by export, with the share of 15% in total export and 4th largest trade partner by import, with the share of 6% in total import.
On the one hand, Georgia’s major exports to Azerbaijan include: motor cars, cigarettes and tobacco products, medicaments, bovine animals, bars and roots of iron, non-alcoholic beverages, ferro-alloys, trucks, plastic goods etc. On the other hand, Georgia imports following products from Azerbaijan: oil gas, oil and oil products, electricity, concrete, copper ores, bars and roots of iron, gypsum, onion vegetables, wagons etc.
Despite the fact, that Georgia and Azerbaijan truly enjoy active cooperation in trade, it is obvious that our export needs to be more diversified and there is room for further strengthening and deepening bilateral economic ties in this direction.
For instance, in order to promote and intensify trade and economic relations between our countries, we propose to organize trade missions, business forums and fairs, which will contribute to raise awareness and provide information about latest developments in the economic sectors of both countries.
Additionally, acknowledging the high importance of collaboration for enhancing bilateral economic relationship, both sides can exchange relevant experience and promote export and trading opportunities in the sectors in which Georgia and Azerbaijan have comparative advantages. In this regard, both sides are considering the possibility of establishment of the working group with the aim to study export potential of Georgian products in Azerbaijan and vice versa. This will provide an important platform to exchange a list of competitive export products for further dissemination to the interested businesses in respective markets and share information about the companies interested in trading Georgian and Azerbaijan products.
Let me highlight, once again, that Georgia considers Azerbaijan as one of the important trade and economic partners and by our joint efforts and through implementing above mentioned activities, I am convinced that progress and positive changes can be reached towards bilateral trade diversification and expansion.
CE: Does Georgia support the European Commission’s efforts regarding the creation of the single energy market of the EU?
Natia Turnava: Georgia strongly supports creation of the single energy market for EU that aims to create a stable regulatory and market framework contributing to the transparent and non-discriminatory equal rights for the parties, efficient operation of energy market and ensuring the security of supply of the energy.
However, taking into consideration Georgia’s particularity, meaning that due to geographic location we have no common physical border with any EU member country, we are limited with the ability to be part of EU single market. Establishment of main postulates of EU energy market principles requires the thorough assessment of the current state of play, interactions between market players and the implications of reform options in energy sector of Georgia. We consider it as a precondition to secure smooth transition to an efficient and liberalized energy market, especially when neighboring countries are not committed to follow the same path and scales.
Energy system of Romania or Bulgaria shall be considered as a place of connecting Georgia to Europe via the sub-marine cable. It is noteworthy that in the nearest past years the project of connecting energy systems of Romania and Turkey via the sub-marine cable was actively discussed, but was not implemented. Presumably, these discussions have left some traces, which can be successfully applied to Georgia. Currently, in response to the invitation made by the Energy Community, on 30th of January 2019 JSC “Georgian State Electrosystem” officially submitted the Black Sea Sub-marine Transmission Line Project (Georgia – Romania: Jvari - Anaklia – Constanta) to the Energy Community Secretariat, which emphasizes its regional character, importance for provision of security of supply and promotion of development of renewable energy sources. For submission of the Project in form of PEPI (Projects of Eastern Partnership Interest) projects, the relevant application form was filled in and the data of electricity generation and consumption in Georgia was additionally updated.
CE: In your opinion, what are the opportunities for developing potential of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project and other joint regional transport corridors. Which joint initiatives can be implemented with China and the EU, as well as within the Caspian Sea – Black Sea corridor?
Natia Turnava: Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project is important not only for the three countries but the entire region as it fills the missing rail link between Georgia and Turkey and creates an alternative direction for freight transportation between Asia and Europe. The railway line was officially opened in October 2017 and at the moment, pilot shipments are being carried out. Once fully operational, Baku –Tbilisi-Kars will enable us to capture more freight flows through Georgia in light of fast East-West trade growth.
Georgia is actively involved in other regional initiatives that aim at developing transport and transit routes between Europe and Asia. In this regard, Middle Corridor, Lapis Lazuli, Caspian Sea-Black Sea Corridor are worth mentioning.
Lapis Lazuli Route Agreement (signed in November 2017) envisages the facilitation of freight transportation between Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. The first pilot shipment was carried out by road in December 2018, which was a good start for identifying the existing bottlenecks and further actions for successful implementation of the said project.
Caspian Sea – Black Sea corridor is a comparatively new initiative, which involves Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania. This project complements the existing similar connectivity initiatives and intends to contribute to the establishment of better transport links from Central Asia to EU through the Caspian and Black Seas.
Another important corridor which we are currently developing is the Middle Corridor stretching from China to Europe. The first railway transportation from China towards Georgia was carried out in 2015 and since then a lot has been done to simplify railway procedures between railways, offer through rates and one-stop-shop services on the corridor. The use of the Middle Corridor has significantly increased over recent years. Launch of regular train service from Lianyungang Port to Istanbul in November 2018 is an important step forward for development of the Middle Corridor that shall contribute to further increase in freight volumes in future. The Middle Corridor as one of the shortest routes between Asia and Europe, has great potential for its further extension via Bulgaria and Romania to EU corridors and to the Balkan countries.
Thank you for the interview
Maya Tskitishvili: Building up infrastructure to make Georgia a transport and economic hub
Caspian Energy (CE): In the next few years, several billions of dollars are planned to be spent on infrastructure development in Georgia. What are the priorities of the ministry?
Maya Tskitishvili, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia: All areas are equally important for a healthy development of the country. As far as specific areas of activity are concerned, it is construction and rehabilitation of roads, water supply systems, setting operation of sewage systems and construction of purification facilities, introduction of solid waste management systems, construction and operation of landfills in accordance with modern methodologies. It is also important to carry out restoration and rehabilitation of cultural heritage monuments, construction and maintenance of adjacent tourist infrastructure, as well as rehabilitation-construction of social facilities such as kindergartens, sports complexes, playgrounds, houses of culture, folklore centers and museums. Besides, alternative urban transport networks, improvement of living conditions of the population in the regions and other activities are also of significance.
The list is very large and all these areas are equally important for the growth of opportunities in the regions, the return of people to villages, the promotion of small and large businesses, the reduction of the harmful impact on the environment, the development of tourism and in general, for the progress of the economy.
CE: In recent years, domestic and foreign investments have been heavily invested in various sectors of the economy and infrastructure of Georgia. What is the demand for investments and which sectors are in need of investments?
Maya Tskitishvili: Bulk of domestic and foreign investments is spent on construction and rehabilitation of roads. Georgia’s East-West highway, starting from the Red Bridge to Sarfi, is being developed and enlarged on an annual basis, so is the North-South corridor. This highway is a part of the so-called “Silk Road” and represents the main transit hub between China and Europe-Asia. The main objective of the highway modernization program is to provide adequate road infrastructure to increase transit traffic, which is a significant and growing factor contributing to the growth of GDP.
The East-West highway and the North-South Corridor is the shortest route between Europe, Azerbaijan and the Central Asia countries through its Black Sea ports - Poti and Batumi. It also links Russia and Turkey. The geographical position allows it to become a main transportation hub between the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and Central Asia.
The East-West highway construction project is aimed at improving the transportation and transit of goods to neighboring countries. The project will improve road safety, reduce transport costs and will contribute to the growth of transit traffic.
CE: Georgia is preparing to host the next Silk Road forum. Which issues will be considered this year? Which initiatives will official Tbilisi launch this year?
Maya Tskitishvili: The government is actively involved in full unlocking of the transit potential of the country. We are jointly considering the possibilities of much broader development of these areas. We work closely with China and the European Union. Proof of that is also the free trade agreement.
Along with this, Georgia has already hosted the Silk Road Forum twice, in 2015 and 2017, which caused great international interest.
In comparison with the maritime transport, transportation time by the Trans-Asian-Caucasian train takes 5 times less time. In particular, if earlier it took 40-45 days to carry out shipments by sea, now cargo reaches Georgia from China in just 9-14 days. It means that the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey direction is the shortest transport route connecting Europe and Asia, and, based on the geographical location, it is the biggest resource of Georgia’s economic progress. Our task is to create an infrastructure that will ensure the country’s transformation into a transport and economic hub.
CE: Could you please tell about the implementation timeframe of the water supply project in areas densely populated by the Azerbaijanis. Which new infrastructure projects will be implemented in these areas in the coming years?
Maya Tskitishvili: The United Water Supply Company of Georgia is implementing a project on construction of water supply and sewage systems in Marneuli and Bolnisi. After the project is completed, the city of Marneuli and villages of the municipality with the total population of up to 35,200 people will have a stable and improved water supply.
Besides, it is planned to build a purification facility in Marneuli. Built within the framework of the project will be a waste treatment facility meeting modern standards. It will clean waste waters within the framework of the full biological cycle and reduce an adverse environmental impact.
CE: Which infrastructure projects will be implemented in Georgia in the coming years to attract foreign investments into the country?
Maya Tskitishvili: Tourism development is one of the priorities of the Georgian government. The Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia intends to spend more than $52 million on the development of tourism infrastructure, including the areas located on the border with Azerbaijan. For this purpose, it is planned to put infrastructure and transport in order, as well as retrain service workers.
14 projects worth of about $34million were implemented in this area in 2018. Restoration of the German church built in the 19th century and residential houses located at Shvabov Street will be completed in Asureti village (Kvemo Kartli region) in 2019. Besides, some improvement work will be carried out in the cemetery. Improvement work at botanic garden in Zugdidi city, theatre renovation in high mountain Mestia and construction of the archeological museum in Vani will be completed soon. Reconstruction of the old theatre building in Mskheta city, near Tbilisi, into a museum is planned as well.
Apart from this, restoration of historical buildings and an observatory at Abastumani resort (Samtskhe-Javakheti region) has begun. The work over the general plan of this high-mountain village is carried out too. The Georgian authorities plan to restore a cable road built in 1982 and open a center of visitors.
The Ministry of Regional Development chose five places in Khaheti for building observation sites. 10 more such tourism places will appear in future. Young architects have been assigned to develop designs of observation sites. The best project will be chosen by means of a contest.
A particular attention will be paid to a high mountain Bakuriani village in 2019… The development of the tourism infrastructure is playing a big role in sustainable economic development of regions, as revenues gained from tourism remain in the region.
Thank you for the interview
“Real Madrid”dən ayrılan futbolçu Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı klubuna keçib
İki gün öncə İspaniya "Real Madrid"i ilə yollarını ayıran Naço Fernandes Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı təmsilçisi "Əl-Kadisiya” ilə müqavilə bağlayıb.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, Naço Fernandes “Real Madrid”də keçirdiyi 364 rəsmi oyunda 16 qol və 10 məhsuldar ötürmə ilə yadda qalıb.
«Конвенция о статусе Каспия открывает широкие возможности для развития транспортных сетей», Президент Грузии
CaspianEnergy (CE): Г-жа Президент, Грузия и Азербайджан давние стратегические партнеры в энергетической сфере. Как Вы оцениваете вклад азербайджано-грузинских партнерских отношений в мировую энергетическую безопасность? Что оказывает позитивное, а что негативное влияние на сотрудничество двух стран в этой сфере?
Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили: Грузия и Азербайджан расположены между Каспийским и Черным морями и представляют собой естественный мост и кратчайший путь, связывающий ЕС с Центральной Азией и большей частью Восточной Азии. Кроме того, Грузия и Азербайджан являются стратегическими партнерами не только благодаря своему географическому и стратегическому расположению, но и благодаря постоянной борьбе за свою государственность и территориальную целостность, которая сформировала их идентичность. Грузинский и азербайджанский народ - это кавказские народы с общими ценностями и близким менталитетом.
После распада Советского Союза Грузия и Азербайджан успешно поддержали возможность разработки проектов трубопроводов для транспортировки нефти (Баку-Супса и БТД) и газа (ЮКТ), которые связали азербайджанские нефтегазовые ресурсы с мировыми рынками и, таким образом, вносят вклад в глобальную энергетическую безопасность. Это настоящая история успеха.
Тесное взаимодействие между Грузией и Азербайджаном в энергетической сфере является очень хорошим примером успешного сотрудничества между странами в сферах upstream и downstream. Государственная нефтяная компания Азербайджана SOCAR является основным поставщиком нефтепродуктов и основным поставщиком природного газа в Грузию. Кроме того, SOCAR является одним из крупнейших налогоплательщиков в Грузии и инвесторов в энергетический сектор. Мы высоко ценим спонсорство SOCAR в различных проектах.
CE: В ходе официального визита в Баку Вы заявили, что «основная цель, стоящая перед Грузией и Азербайджаном сейчас - наметить еще более крупномасштабные проекты». Какие проекты вы имеете в виду?
Саломе Зурабишвили: Грузия со своими портами на Черном море и Азербайджан со своими портами на Каспийском море предлагают естественный мост для перемещения товаров и услуг между ЕС, Центральной Азией и большей частью Восточной Азии.
Грузия подписала соглашение об углубленной и всеобъемлющей зоне свободной торговли с ЕС и соглашение о свободной торговле с Китаем. Я думаю, что это дает прекрасную возможность для развития крупномасштабных межкаспийских и черноморских транспортных сетей между портами Каспийского и Черного морей. Эти новые сети дополнят существующие транспортные связи через турецкие проливы и железную дорогу Баку-Тбилиси-Карс.
CE: В период избрания Президентом Вы заявляли, что предстоящие 6 лет «будут очень важными для Грузии, которая движется к интеграции в Европу, в Европейский союз, в НАТО». Какие шаги Вы собираетесь предпринять?
Саломе Зурабишвили: Грузия продолжит успешное продвижение к интеграции с обеими организациями. Успешный путь Грузии был признан, и это позволило нам стать ценным партнером для ЕС и партнером для НАТО. Путь вперед открыт и будет зависеть от продолжения наших усилий и от нас, использующих все возможности.
CE: Вы неоднократно заявляли, что сектор туризма в регионе «должен быть полностью открытым для туристов». Как Вы считаете, какие меры можно предпринять в этом направлении?
Саломе Зурабишвили: Сожалею, что, несмотря на стратегическое партнерство между Грузией и Азербайджаном, делимитация наших границ еще не завершена. Участки, где все еще ожидается установление границы, иногда бывают недоступны для посетителей и туристов. Я думаю, что мы должны продолжить нашу работу и завершить делимитацию, чтобы со временем открыть для посещения обсуждаемые на данный момент области туристической деятельности.
CE: По данным BBC, в случае Brexit граждане Великобритании могут потерять более 2% своего годового дохода, а страна - до 20% ВВП. Учитывая активные торговые отношения с ЕС, какие варианты влияния на региональную и грузинскую экономику рассматривает Грузия? Выгоден ли для Грузии Brexit в долгосрочной перспективе?
Саломе Зурабишвили: Сожалею, что большая часть британцев проголосовала за выход. Великобритания является одной из крупнейших экономик в ЕС и очень важным партнером. Более того, у Великобритании самый продолжительный срок присутствия, а также опыт работы в Каспийском регионе. Ведь компания BritishPetroleum, британский нефтяной гигант, является основным инвестором и оператором в нефтегазовом upstream секторе Азербайджана, а также в midstream секторе Грузии, Азербайджана и Турции. В 2018 году Великобритания стала вторым по величине инвестором в Грузии после Азербайджана. BP является основным партнером международных консорциумов по транспортировке нефти и газа, пересекающих Грузию - БТД, ЮКТ и Баку-Супса.
Возвращаясь к вашему вопросу, очевидно, что Brexit неблагоприятен, если он экономически ослабляет ЕС, но это выбор британского народа. С другой стороны, я сомневаюсь, что Brexit может иметь негативные последствия для присутствия Великобритании или операций BP в Грузии и большей части Каспийско-Черноморского региона. Brexit не будет ограничивать ассоциированное членство в ЕС, и Грузия продолжит сближение со всеми странами ЕС. В рамках Brexit могут появиться новые возможности, новые форматы, к которым Грузия могла бы присоединиться.
CE: В связи с решением вопроса статуса Каспия, какие продвижения Вы ожидаете в экономическом сотрудничестве стран каспийского бассейна?
Саломе Зурабишвили: Конвенция о статусе Каспийского моря открывает широкие возможности для развития прикаспийских транспортных сетей и строительства нефте- и газопроводов (в полном соответствии с экологическими стандартами, как того требует Конвенция) и морских транспортных сетей. Мы приветствуем подписание Конвенции и надеемся, что она вступит в силу в ближайшем будущем.
CE: Какие экономические проекты могут быть реализованы в рамках экономического блока ГУАМ?
Саломе Зурабишвили: ГУАМ - это организация, объединяющая Каспийский (Азербайджан) и Черноморский регионы (Грузия, Украина) и Молдову. Помимо Азербайджана, все они являются партнерами по Программе Восточного партнерства, полноправными членами Энергетического сообщества, ассоциированными членами ЕС и пользуются полной поддержкой Европейского Союза.
CE: В мае международный журнал Caspian Energy отмечает свой 20-летний юбилей. Что бы Вы пожелали журналу и его читателям?
Саломе Зурабишвили: В течение двадцати лет журнал CaspianEnergy служит важным ресурсом для отслеживания событий в Каспийском и Черноморском регионах. Он входит в пятерку ведущих изданий, ориентированных на регион…
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President of Georgia: The Convention on the Caspian Sea opens wide opportunities to develop transportation networks
Caspian Energy (CE): Your Excellency, Georgia and Azerbaijan have been long strategic partners in the energy field. How would you assess the contribution of the Azerbaijan-Georgia partnership into the global energy security? What has a positive or negative impact on the cooperation of the two countries in this field?
Salome Zourabichvili, President of Georgia: Georgia and Azerbaijan are located between the Caspian and Black Seas and represent a natural bridge and the shortest route linking the EU with Central Asia and the wider East Asia. Furthermore, Georgia and Azerbaijan have been strategic partners not only thanks to their geography and strategic location, but also due to the continuous struggle for their statehood and territorial integrity that has forged their identity. The Georgian and Azerbaijani people are Caucasian nations with common values and close mentalities.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia and Azerbaijan have successfully upheld an opportunity to develop upstream and midstream oil (Baku-Supsa and BTC) and gas (SCP) pipelines that have linked Azerbaijani oil and gas resources to world markets and thus contribute to global energy security. This is a real success story.
A close Georgia–Azerbaijan interaction in the energy field is a very good example of successful upstream-downstream country cooperation. SOCAR, the Azerbaijani state oil company, is a major supplier of oil products and the main supplier of natural gas to Georgia. Apart from that, SOCAR is one of the largest taxpayers in Georgia and investors in the energy sector. We appreciate very much SOCAR’s sponsorship of various projects.
CE: In the course of your official visit to Baku you stated that the major goal facing Georgia and Azerbaijan now is to plan even larger-scale projects. Which projects did you mean?
Salome Zourabichvili: Georgia, with its ports on the Black Sea, and Azerbaijan, with its ports on the Caspian Sea, offers a natural bridge for the movement of goods and services between the EU, Central Asia, and the wider East Asia.
Georgia has signed DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement) with the EU and a free trade agreement with China. I think this offers an excellent opportunity to develop large-scale cross-Caspian and cross-Black Sea transportation networks between ports on the Caspian and Black Seas. These new networks will complement existing transportation links through the Turkish straits and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.
CE: During the electoral campaign you stated that the forth-coming 6 years “will be very important for Georgia which heads toward the integration with Europe, the European Union and NATO”. Which steps are you going to take?
Salome Zourabichvili: Georgia will continue its successful progression toward integrating both organizations. Georgia’s successful path has been recognized and it has allowed us to become an appreciated partner to the EU and a partner for NATO. The road ahead is open and will depend on the continuation of our efforts and us seizing all opportunities.
CE: You have repeatedly stated that the tourism sector in the region “should be fully open for tourists”. Which measures, you think, can be taken in this direction?
Salome Zourabichvili: I regret that despite the Georgia-Azerbaijan strategic partnership, the delimitation of our borders has not been finalized yet. The area where border delimitation is still pending is sometimes inaccessible for visitors and tourists. I think we have to continue our work and finalize this delimitation while, in the meantime, open the areas in question for touristic activities.
CE: According to BBC, if Brexit happens, the UK citizens can lose over 2% of their annual income while the country can face a 20% decline of GDP. Considering the active trade relations with the EU, which versions of impact on the regional and Georgian economy does Georgia consider? Is Brexit beneficial for Georgia in the long term?
Salome Zourabichvili: I regret that a major part of the British people voted for to exit. The UK is one of the largest economies in the EU and a very important partner. Moreover, the UK has the longest presence and work experience in the Caspian region, as British Petroleum -a British oil giant- is the main investor and operator of upstream oil and gas in Azerbaijan and midstream in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. In 2018, the UK was the second largest investor in Georgia after Azerbaijan. BP is a major partner to international oil and gas transportation consortiums crossing Georgia – BTC, SCP, and the Western Route Pipeline.
Coming back to your question, obviously, Brexit is not good if it weakens the EU economically, but this is the choice of the British people. On the other hand, I doubt Brexit may have adverse implications on the United Kingdom’s presence and BP operations in Georgia and the wider Caspian and Black Sea regions. The associated membership with the EU will not be limited by Brexit and Georgia will continue its rapprochement with all EU countries. New opportunities, new formats might also become available as they will be developed for the sake of Brexit, and that Georgia might be able to join.
CE: Given the settlement of the Caspian Sea status, what progress do you expect in the economic cooperation of the Caspian basin states?
Salome Zourabichvili: The Convention on the Caspian Sea opens wide opportunities to develop cross-Caspian transportation networks and build oil and gas pipelines (in full compliance with environmental standards as required by the Convention) and marine transportation networks. We welcome the signing of the Convention and hope it will come into force in the near future.
CE: Which economic projects can be implemented within the framework of the GUAM economic bloc?
Salome Zourabichvili: GUAM is an organization joining the Caspian (Azerbaijan) and Black Sea regions (Georgia, Ukraine) and Moldova. Apart from Azerbaijan, they all are partners in the Eastern Partnership Program, full members of the Energy Community, associated members of the EU, and enjoy full support from the European Union. GUAM could also serve as a backbone for transportation projects and contribute to their development.
CE: Caspian Energy international journal will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in May. What would you wish to the journal and its readership?
Salome Zourabichvili: Caspian Energy has been an important resource to follow developments in the Caspian and Black Sea regions for twenty years. It is ranked in the top five flagship publications focussing on the region… I take this opportunity to congratulate Caspian Energy for its 20th Anniversary and wish your remarkable team success in the future.
Thank you for the interview
İslamabad abadlıq üzrə Bakının təcrübəsindən faydalanacaq
İslamabadda Pakistan paytaxtının abadlaşdırılması İdarəsinin (Country Development Authority – CDA) sədri Muhammed Ali Randhavanın Bakı meriyasının nümayəndə heyəti ilə görüşü olub.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, iyunun 26-da CDA-da keçirilən görüşdə Azərbaycanın Pakistandakı səfiri Xəzər Fərhadov da iştirak edib.
Bakının abadlaşdırılması və şəhər landşaftı üzrə mütəxəssislər pakistanlı həmkarlarına İslamabadın daha da gözəlləşdirilməsi üçün öz tövsiyə və təkliflərini verəcəklər. Bu məqsədlə qısa, orta və uzunmüddətli layihələr hazırlanacaq, onlar birgə həyata keçiriləcək.
«Хотим стать сильным энергетическим центром на Балканах», Президент Черногории
Caspian Energy (CE): Г-н Президент, какие страны являются сегодня стратегическими партнерами Монтенегро? Какие крупные инвестиционные проекты реализует Монтенегро совместно с ЕС?
Президент Монтенегро Мило Джуканович: Прежде всего позвольте мне поблагодарить вас за возможность поделиться с вашими уважаемыми читателями некоторыми основными фактами о Черногории. Черногория - маленькая, но безопасная и политически стабильная страна с открытой экономикой и хорошим географическим положением. Наша общая политика направлена на улучшение качества жизни граждан и обеспечение быстрого экономического развития. Значительные инвестиции, устойчивость денег, свободные потоки капитала, низкие налоги и растущая конкурентоспособность являются основными причинами высоких темпов роста реального ВВП, который в предыдущие два года составлял 4,7% и 4,9% соответственно.
В своем последнем отчете рейтинговое агентство Moody’s подтвердило рейтинг «B1» для Черногории, изменив свой прогноз со «стабильного» на «позитивный», а в последнем отчете Всемирного Экономического Форума - Индекс Глобальной Конкурентоспособности 2017/18, Черногория улучшила свои позиции, поднявшись на 5 ступеней по сравнению с предыдущим отчетом.
Вышеуказанные факты, в первую очередь, отражают доверие инвесторов к достигнутому экономическому прогрессу и четкую экономическую перспективу Черногории.
Прямые иностранные инвестиции послужили очень важным стимулом для экономического роста. По показателю на душу населения и доле прямых иностранных инвестиций в ВВП, Черногория находится на самых высоких позициях в Европе. В период 2008-2018 гг. мы привлекли прямые иностранные инвестиции на сумму более 7,5 млрд евро. Почти 4 миллиарда из этой суммы поступили от инвесторов из стран ЕС-28. Италия и Австрия лидируют соответственно с 825 и 530 миллионами евро. Все европейские страны (ЕС-28, Швейцария и Норвегия) имеют вложения в Черногории. Однако, помимо инвесторов из Европы, в последние годы инвестиции из Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов, Турции и, конечно же, Азербайджана также очень значительны.
Если говорить о конкретных проектах, то можно отметить завершение с партнерами из Италии установки подводного электрического кабеля, соединяющего две страны, что позволит Черногории стать энергетическим центром на Балканах. Мы завершаем нефтегазовую разведку в черногорском секторе Адриатического моря, а также строительство второй ветряной электростанции и собираемся построить первую солнечную электростанцию, строим первый участок магистрали. Кроме того, мы развиваем многочисленные проекты в сфере туризма; укрепляем банковский и телекоммуникационный сектора и т. д.
CE: Какие сферы Вы считаете приоритетными для развития экономического сотрудничества между Азербайджаном и Черногорией? Какой потенциал Вы видите для азербайджанских инвесторов и наоборот?
Мило Джуканович: Азербайджан и Черногория имеют очень хорошие дружеские отношения. Взаимное уважение, четкое видение будущего сотрудничества, готовность учиться друг у друга и взаимная политическая поддержка обеспечивают хорошую основу для укрепления экономического сотрудничества, которое мы начали с проекта в области туризма. «Порто Нови» представляет собой не только современный туристический комплекс в Которском заливе, находящийся под защитой ЮНЕСКО, но и значительно повысил стандарты, соответствию которым стремятся довольно развитые туристические объекты.
Этот проект представляет современный Азербайджан наилучшим образом. Я верю, что, помимо туризма, есть много возможностей для новых инвестиций в области энергетики, промышленности и производства продуктов питания. Важно, чтобы мы продолжали укреплять прямое авиасообщение, что не только облегчит обмен туристами, но и будет способствовать улучшению связи между деловыми кругами.
Но, помимо экономического сотрудничества, у нас налажено активное взаимодействие в области образования, культуры, искусства и спорта. Эти сферы дополнительно укрепляют нашу дружбу и обеспечивают лучшее понимание среди обычных людей. Я считаю, что именно политика, проводимая уважаемым Президентом Алиевым и мной, а также правительствами двух стран, позволяют всем извлекать пользу из сотрудничества наших стран.
CE: Насколько сегодня для Черногории привлекательны такие транспортные проекты, как Север-Юг и Баку-Тбилиси-Карс, инициатором которых выступает Азербайджан?
Мило Джуканович: Нам очень приятно видеть, что у Азербайджана такое четкое видение. В современном мире очень трудно, в то время как в будущем мире было бы почти невозможно продвинуться вперед, не будучи связанным с соседями и стратегическими партнерами. Новые транспортные коридоры Север-Юг и Баку-Тбилиси-Карс сокращают маршрут и расходы, создают условия для нового экономического стимула. Оба проекта являются яркими примерами не только сильной политической воли, но и решительности, трудолюбия и высоких технологических стандартов, которые наилучшим образом способствуют достижениям Азербайджана. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы опыт, обретенный в реализации этих проектов, был передан в регион Западных Балкан.
CE: Какой видят в Европейском союзе сегодняшнюю и будущую роль Азербайджана на энергетической карте континента. Какие проекты представляют особую значимость для Черногории?
Мило Джуканович: Я могу рассказать вам о видении Черногории. Оно очень ясное. Осознавая роль энергетики для будущего развития, мы хотим стать сильным энергетическим центром на Балканах. Наша цель - укрепить позиции Черногории как связующего звена с Западной Европой через соседнюю Италию и обеспечить лучшие технологические условия для экспорта электроэнергии. Мы уделяем особое внимание развитию возобновляемых источников энергии: воды, ветра и солнца, а также модернизации передающих мощностей. Поэтому все проекты, поддерживающие это видение, важны для нас.
CE: Входит ли Монтенегро в единый экономический рынок ЕС? Насколько обеспечена сегодня энергетическая безопасность Монтенегро?
Мило Джуканович: Черногория добилась значительного прогресса в переговорном процессе на своем пути к полноправному членству в ЕС. Мы открыли 32 из 33 глав для переговоров и закрыли 3 главы. Таким образом, мы стали лидерами среди стран Западных Балкан. Политические переговоры открыли пространство для Черногории, чтобы стать частью единого европейского рынка, в то время как безвизовый режим со странами ЕС позволил деловым людям из Черногории устанавливать контакты с партнерами из других стран более быстрым способом. Все это привело к увеличению инвестиций.
Что касается энергетической безопасности, Черногория вырабатывает достаточно энергии для удовлетворения своих собственных потребностей. Недавние инвестиции в этот сектор создали условия для выработки дополнительных объемов электроэнергии, а связь с Италией создает технические предпосылки для экспорта.
Черногория крайне заинтересована в проекте, который позволит расширить использование газа, особенно в промышленности, а также для строительства первой морской газовой электростанции.
CE: Азербайджан и Черногория в последние годы наращивают свой туристический потенциал. Какие, на Ваш взгляд, перспективы имеют две страны в области туризма?
Мило Джуканович: До тех пор, пока наши две страны стремятся к постоянному повышению стандартов в сфере туризма и гостиничного бизнеса, у нас хорошие перспективы. За нами стоит богатая история и перед нами ясное видение будущего. Все что нам нужно сделать, это претворить его в реальность.
Знания, постоянное совершенствование навыков, уважение и оценка всех людей, которые приезжают в наши страны в качестве туристов, несомненно, необходимы. Это правда, что конкуренция сильнее, но я вижу в этом вызов, которому мы готовы. Поэтому, благодаря самоотверженному и целеустремленному труду, новым проектам и инвестициям, я считаю, что у нас хорошие перспективы.
Я также хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы пригласить граждан Азербайджана посетить Черногорию и воочию увидеть природную красоту нашей страны, хорошую еду, нововведенные отели и пристани для яхт. В то же время, я считаю необходимым усилить продвижение туристического потенциала Азербайджана, задействовав опыт туристического рынка Черногории. Более того, постоянный прямой рейс между нашими странами значительно улучшит туристический поток.
CE: CASPIAN ENERGY, который распространяется в 70 странах мира, отмечает в мае 2019 года свой 20-летний юбилей. Хотелось бы услышать ваши пожелания журналу.
Мило Джуканович: Двадцать лет самоотверженной работы - это действительно очень важное достижение. Поэтому я выражаю свои искренние поздравления по случаю вашего юбилея. Желаю, чтобы в ближайшие десятилетия вы и впредь продолжали четко, объективно и профессионально информировать ваших читателей обо всех событиях в области энергетики, а также о других темах, которые их интересуют. Если какая-либо из таких тем может быть связана с Черногорией, мы будем рады присоединиться и внести свой вклад.
Благодарим за интервью!
President of Montenegro: We want to become a strong energy hub in the Balkans
Caspian Energy (CE): Your Excellency, which countries are strategic partners of Montenegro? Which big investment projects is Montenegro implementing together with the EU?
Milo Djukanovic, President of Montenegro: At the outset, allow me to thank you for the opportunity to share with your distinguished readers some basic facts about Montenegro. Montenegro is a small, but secure and politically stable country, with an open economy and a good geographical position. Our overall policy is focused on improving the quality of life of citizens and fast economic development. Significant investments, monetary stability, free capital flows, low taxes and rising competitiveness are the main reasons for the high rates of real GDP growth, which in the previous two years amounted to 4.7% and 4.9% respectively. In its latest report, credit rating agency Moody’s confirmed the rating “B1” for Montenegro, changing its outlook from “stable” to “positive”, while in the last report of the World Economic Forum - the Global Competitiveness Index 2017/18, Montenegro improved its position moving up 5 places compared to the previous report. The above facts, first of all, reflect the investors’ trust in the achieved economic progress and a clear economic perspective of Montenegro.
Foreign direct investments have been a very important impetus for the economic growth. Measured per capita and by the share of foreign direct investments in GDP, Montenegro is at the European top. In the period 2008-2018, we attracted over 7.5 billion euros of FDI. Almost 4 billion of this amount comes from the investors from the EU-28 countries. Italy and Austria are leading with 825 and 530 million euros respectively. All European countries (EU-28, Switzerland and Norway) have investments in Montenegro. However, in addition to investors from Europe, in recent years investments from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and, of course, Azerbaijan are also very significant.
When it comes to concrete projects, with partners from Italy we are finalizing the installation of a submarine power cable that connects the two countries, allowing Montenegro to become the energy hub in the Balkans; we are about to finish the exploration of oil and gas in the part of the Adriatic Sea that belongs to Montenegro; we are completing the construction of the second wind farm and we are about to build the first solar power plant; we are building the first section of the highway; we are developing numerous projects in tourism; we are strengthening the banking and telecommunication sectors, etc.
CE: Which fields do you find priority in order to develop economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Montenegro? What potential do you see for Azeri investors and vice versa?
Milo Djukanovic: Azerbaijan and Montenegro have very good friendly relations. Mutual respect, a clear vision of future cooperation, willingness to learn from each other and mutual political support provide a good basis for strengthening the economic cooperation that we have started with the project in the field of tourism. “Porto Novi” not only represents a modern tourist complex in the Bay of Kotor, which is under the protection of UNESCO, but has significantly raised standards that much developed tourist destinations look up to. This project represents modern Azerbaijan in the best possible way.
I do believe that, in addition to tourism, there is a lot of room for new investments in the field of energy, industry and food production. It is important that we continue strengthening direct flight connectivity, which will not only facilitate the exchange of tourists, but will also contribute to a better connection between business communities. But, in addition to economic cooperation, we have significant cooperation in the field of education, culture, art and sports. These areas additionally strengthen our friendship and ensure better understanding among ordinary people. I believe that it is precisely the policy led by distinguished President Aliyev and me, as well as by the two Governments, that allows everyone to benefit from the cooperation of our countries.
CE: To what extent are such transport projects as North-South and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars, initiated by Azerbaijan, attractive for Montenegro?
Milo Djukanovic: We are very pleased to see that Azerbaijan has such a clear vision. In today’s world it is very difficult, while in the future world it would be almost impossible, to go forward without being connected with the neighbours and strategic partners. New railway routes North-South and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars shorten the travel route, reduce costs and create conditions for a new economic momentum. Both projects are outstanding examples not only of a strong political will, but also of a determination, hard work and high technological standards that promote the achievements of Azerbaijan in the best possible way. We would like to see that the experience gained in the implementation of these projects is transferred to the Western Balkan region.
CE: What is the EU’s vision of Azerbaijan’s current and future role in the energy map of the continent? Which projects are of particular importance to Montenegro?
Milo Djukanovic: I can tell you about Montenegrin vision. It is very clear. Being aware of the role of energy for future development, we want to become a strong energy hub in the Balkans. Our aim is to strengthen the position of Montenegro as a bond with Western Europe through neighbouring Italy and to provide better technological conditions for the export of electricity. We put particular focus on the development of renewable energy sources: water, wind and sun, and modernization of transmission capacities. Therefore, all projects that support this vision are important to us.
CE: Is Montenegro a member of the single economic market of the EU, and to what extent has Montenegro’s energy security been ensured?
Milo Djukanovic: Montenegro has made a significant progress in the negotiation process on its path towards the full EU membership. We opened 32 of 33 negotiating chapters and closed 3 chapters. We have, thus, become leaders among the Western Balkan countries. Political negotiations opened up space for Montenegro to become a part of the European single market, while visa-free regime with EU countries made it easier for business people from Montenegro to establish contacts with the partners from other countries in a faster way. All of this resulted in larger investments.
When it comes to energy security, Montenegro produces enough energy to meet its own needs. Recent investments in this sector have created conditions for generation of additional amounts of electricity, while the connection with Italy creates technical prerequisites for export. Montenegro is highly interested in a project that would enable greater use of gas, especially in the industry, as well as for the construction of the first offshore gas power plant.
CE: Azerbaijan and Montenegro have been scaling up their tourist potential in recent years. In your opinion, which prospects do both countries have in the field of tourism?
Milo Djukanovic: As long as our two countries are committed to continuous raising of standards in tourism and hotel industry, we have good prospects. A rich history is behind us, and a clear vision of the future is ahead of us. All we have to do is make it come true. Knowledge, continuous improvement of skills, respect and appreciation of all people who come to our two countries as tourists are, certainly, essential. It is true that competition is stronger, but I see it as a challenge that we are up to. Therefore, with dedicated and committed work, new projects and investments, I believe that we have good prospects. I would also like to take this opportunity to invite the citizens of Azerbaijan to visit Montenegro and experience firsthand the natural beauty of our country, good food and newly built hotels and marinas. At the same time, I think that it is necessary to reinforce the promotion of tourism potentials of Azerbaijan on the source tourism market of Montenegro. Moreover, a permanent direct flight between our two countries would significantly improve tourist turnover.
CE: CASPIAN ENERGY international economic journal which reaches 70 countries of the world will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in May 2019. We would really like to hear Your Excellency’s congratulatory wishes to the journal.
Milo Djukanovic: Twenty years of dedicated work is, indeed, a very significant achievement. Therefore, I extend my sincere congratulations on your jubilee, with best wishes to continue, in the coming decades, to inform your readers clearly, objectively and professionally about all developments in the energy field, as well as about other topics of their interest. If any of such topics might be related to Montenegro, we would be pleased to join and give our contribution.
Thank you for the interview