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COP29 Information Centre opens to visitors
The Information Centre was opened on 27 June on Baku’s seafront promenade, with the support of the Seaside Boulevard Management. The opening was attended by COP29 President-Designate Mukhtar Babayev, the Chair of the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating company and Chief Operating Officer Narmin Jarchalova, the Chair of the Seaside Boulevard Department Khanlar Agalarov, and the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Inger Andersen, who is visiting Azerbaijan.
The Information Centre provides accessible information about the goals and aims of the conference, the importance of collective action to tackle climate change, and educates people about ecology. The Centre takes a distinctive approach to encouraging every-day sustainable behaviour and lifestyles, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to AZERTAC.
COP29 Məlumat Mərkəzi ziyarətçilərin istifadəsinə verilib
Iyunun 27-də Dənizkənarı Bulvar İdarəsinin dəstəyi ilə Bakı bulvarında baş tutan Məlumat Mərkəzinin açılışında COP29-un müəyyən edilmiş prezidenti Muxtar Babayev, COP29 Azərbaycan Əməliyyat Şirkətinin İdarə Heyətinin sədri və Əməliyyatlar üzrə baş icraçı Nərmin Carçalova, Dənizkənarı Bulvar İdarəsi İdarə Heyətinin sədri Xanlar Ağalarov, eləcə də ölkəmizdə səfərdə olan Birləşmiş Millətlər Təşkilatının Ətraf Mühit Proqramının (UNEP) icraçı direktoru İnger Andersen iştirak ediblər.
Caspian Energy Media AZƏRTAC-a istinadən xəbər verir ki, Məlumat Mərkəzi konfransın məqsəd və hədəfləri, iqlim dəyişmələri ilə qlobal mübarizədə kollektiv fəaliyyətin əhəmiyyəti haqqında məlumatların əlçatanlığını və ekoloji biliklərin artırılmasını təmin edəcək. İnnovativ yanaşması ilə seçilən Mərkəzin məqsədi gündəlik dayanıqlı davranışları və həyat tərzini fəal şəkildə təşviq etməkdir.
Нахчыванская Автономная Республика вновь стала лидером инвестиционного рейтинга
В Нахчыванском бизнес-центре 16 февраля 2019 года состоялась встреча Председателя Верховного Меджлиса Нахчыванской Автономной Республики Васифа Талыбова с предпринимателями, осуществляющими деятельность в Автономной Республике. В рамках встречи состоялась презентация, связанная с победой Автономной Республики в инвестиционном рейтинге экономических регионов Азербайджана за 2018 год, подготовленном CaspianEnergyInternationalMediaGroup при поддержке CaspianEuropeanClub.
Председатель Верховного Меджлиса Нахчыванской Автономной Республики Васиф Талыбов сказал: «Созданная в нашей стране благоприятная бизнес-среда и уделяемое частному сектору внимание открыли широкие возможности для развития предпринимательства…В результате поддержки развития предпринимательства и созданных условий в ежегодном инвестиционном рейтинге, подготовленном в 2018 году “CaspianEuropeanClub”, первым председателем которого был Президент Азербайджанской Республики, по 10 экономическим регионам нашей страны, Нахчыванская Автономная Республика, набрав самый высокий балл по 18 параметрам, во второй раз стала лидером».
Председатель Верховного Меджлиса выразил признательность руководству “CaspianEuropeanClub”, а также всем предпринимателям, которые были задействованы в исполнении Государственной программы социально-экономического развития нашей страны и Автономной Республики, за формирование здоровой конкурентной среды.
Первый заместитель председателя и главный исполнительный директор CaspianEuropeanClub Тельман Алиев вручил Васифу Талыбову Премию и Сертификат, подтверждающий победу Нахчыванской Автономной Республики в инвестиционном рейтинге экономических регионов Азербайджана за 2018 год.
Altug Bilgic: Weir’s mission is to become the “Most Admired Engineering Organisation” in the world
Caspian Energy (CE): Could you please tell about the story of Weir Oil & Gas?
Altug Bilgic, General Manager of Weir Oil & Gas RCA: Weir was founded in Glasgow, UK in 1871. The company evolved through mergers and acquisitions. Today, the company is headquartered in Glasgow, UK with a global footprint (
Throughout its history, Weir acquired several companies to expand its product portfolio and geographic coverage. Today, Weir is a global organization and the market leader in offering comprehensive engineering services to various industry segments including Oil & Gas, Mining, Power, Water and Petrochemical and various industries.
CE: Can you share the public details of the management and partnership structure of Weir Oil & Gas? Is the management of the company in Azerbaijan 100% owned by Weir Oil & Gas or is there a local strategic partnership?
Altug Bilgic: Weir Group Plc. is a public company registered at the London Stock Exchange. Its current market capitalisation is approximately GBP5 billion.
Weir Oil & Gas is wholly owned by Weir Group Plc as a division. Weir Oil & Gas RCA is also wholly owned by Weir as a branch of Weir Oil & Gas.
CE:What is the story of foundation of Weir Oil & Gas in Azerbaijan? Why, when, how?
Altug Bilgic: Weir Oil & Gas RCA was established in Azerbaijan’s capital following the significant population of pumps installed offshore on BP assets off the coast of Baku in 1999. Weir Solutions was established under Weir Engineering Services Ltd to support the installed pump base and focused heavily on the maintenance and overhaul of pumps operating under BP assets.
In an effort to expand its market size and product portfolio, on 4th July 2008, Weir purchased SOS Ltd, a company originally established in Baku by Hunting Oilfield Services Ltd. in the 1990s. Weir-SOS is committed to delivering market leading products and services which meet the technical and commercial challenges of customers operating across the full spectrum of offshore, marine and onshore oil and gas activities.
Weir Oil & Gas RCA has been operating under the Weir Engineering Services Ltd through its two entities – Solutions and SOS – to support its Oil & Gas customers at its own facility in Baku with design, manufacturing, overhaul and refurbishment capabilities.
To further expand its product and service offerings to a wider geographic footprint, in 2018 Weir established a new geozone of Russia & Central Asia (RCA) with Baku operations to be the focal point of all activities performed in the region. Today, Weir Oil & Gas has the capacity to work on a wide variety of equipment, such as steam turbines, compressors, pumps, electric motors, valves and oilfield equipment (OCTG) and wellheads within a wide variety of industrial sectors across Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.
Weir Oil & Gas RCA is committed to supporting Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Water Treatment and General Industrial clients across the RCA geozone fully through its OEM status on rotating equipment as well as Oil Field Services, which include OCTG repairs and manufacture as well as pressure control equipment.
RCA geozone plays a vital role in Weir Group’s business plan and as of today, Weir is considering establishment of JVs in Russia and Uzbekistan, both to be headquartered in Baku, Azerbaijan and reporting to the RCA business.
CE: What are the short & long term business objectives of Weir Gas & Oil in Azerbaijan and in the world?
Altug Bilgic: Weir’s global mission is to become the “Most Admired Engineering Organisation” in the world.
Weir is one of the world’s leading engineering businesses providing innovative solutions which lower its Clients’ Total Cost of Ownership and increase productivity.
In Azerbaijan, Weir is committed to supporting its client base with local Engineering support, manufacturing, and exporting products made in Azerbaijan. Increasing the “Made in Azerbaijan” tag on our products is one of our biggest goals.
Long-term, Weir Oil & Gas RCA intends to become the Engineering Centre for Oil & Gas and Rotating Equipment for the RCA region and support the rest of the EMEA region as well. To date, Weir has supported projects in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Egypt, UAE and Malaysia by providing Technical Experts and the list is ever increasing.
CE: What are the investments of Weir Oil & Gas in Azerbaijan?
Altug Bilgic: Weir’s investment in Azerbaijan is through its wholly owned two entities (Weir SOS and Weir Solutions), both of which are operating under the Weir Oil & Gas RCA organisation.
Weir operates inside a 3,500 m2 facility along Salyan Highway and owns manufacturing equipment as well as assembly and testing facilities. Weir holds all relevant ISO and API certificates as well as complying with local legislature.
The company manufactures and repairs OCTG such as OCTG cross-overs, well control cross-overs, drilling cross-overs, premium threading, drill pipe pup joints, lift nubbins, lift subs, piping repairs, hard banding.
The company also provides re-designs, overhauls and repairs for rotating equipment, such as centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps and motors, liquid-ring vacuum pumps, centrifugal compressors, reciprocating compressors, power turbines, steam turbines, valves.
Weir’s strong heritage in design and manufacturing of machinery also allows it to Re-Engineer components and become a spare parts supplier to any brand of Rotating Equipment.
CE:Are there any corporate social responsibility projects that Weir Oil & Gas support in Azerbaijan and in the world?
Altug Bilgic: Weir has a strong relationship with charities and universities on a local and global level and social responsibility projects are encouraged on an individual business level.
Weir Oil & Gas RCA is already in communication with local institutions to start joint educational programmes specifically on Engineering to support local technical know-how and transfer Weir’s knowledge to the country. Weir has signed an MoU with Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the intention of developing students and faculty on Weir’s experiences in Oil & Gas industry.
CE: Could you please tell us about the human resources policies of Weir Oil & Gas in Azerbaijan?
Altug Bilgic: Weir Oil & Gas RCA’s staff currently has a 95% localisation level, with 20% of the personnel female. Weir’s policy on diversity and equal opportunity extends across the globe and is also implemented in Azerbaijan.
Health and Safety at Weir currently has a zero LTI (Lost-Time Incident) track record since 2008, which is a world-class performance. Weir’s dedication to sustainability is measured through KPIs and consumption of natural resources are monitored regularly.
Thank you for the interview
Сдан в пользование Информационный центр COP29
На церемонии открытия, состоявшейся 27 июня на бакинском бульваре при поддержке Управления Приморского бульвара, присутствовали президент 29-й сессии Конференции сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН об изменении климата – COP29, министр экологии и природных ресурсов Азербайджана Мухтар Бабаев, председатель правления Операционной компании COP29, главный исполнительный директор по операциям Нармин Джарчалова, председатель правления Управления Приморского бульвара Ханлар Агаларов, а также находящаяся с визитом в нашей стране заместитель генерального секретаря Организации Объединенных Наций – исполнительный директор Программы ООН по окружающей среде (UNEP) Ингер Андерсен.
Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на АЗЕРТАДЖ, информационный центр обеспечит доступность информации о целях и задачах конференции, важности коллективных действий в глобальной борьбе с изменением климата, а также повышение экологических знаний. Цель центра, отличающегося инновационным подходом, – активно поощрять повседневное устойчивое поведение и образ жизни.
“NABUCCO A&C”: Азербайджан перенимает новые технологии строительства
CaspianEnergy (CE): Г-н Мансимов, Nabucco осуществляет свою деятельность на протяжении 10 лет. Расскажите, пожалуйста, об истории и деятельности компании. Какие реализованные проекты Вы могли бы отметить как особо успешные?
Генеральный директор “NABUCCO A&C” Кямаледдин Мансимов: ООО “NABUCCOA&C” создана 22 апреля 2009 года. С 2012 года “NABUCCOA&C” является официальным и эксклюзивным партнёром-строителем шведской компании “ASTRONBUILDINGS” на территории Азербайджана. Первый наш совместный грандиозный проект имел место в 2013 году - Торговый центр “WESTGATE” в городе Шамкир. Данный торговый центр получил международный резонанс, полностью изменил облик города, был презентован в Европе. Это было значительным достижением нашей компании за короткий срок. До этого мы осуществляли проекты, но они не были настолько грандиозными.
CE: Над какими новыми проектами сейчас работает компания? Насколько сегодня продвинулись технологии cтроительства в Азербайджане?
Кямаледдин Мансимов: На данный момент мы работаем над строительством в окрестности Баку логистического центра, территория которого составляет 30 тысяч м2.
Недавно мы принимали участие в строительной выставке в Узбекистане, и к нам поступило предложение о строительстве объекта. Сейчас идет процесс подготовки документации.
Инновационные технологии строительства становятся все более важными для многих крупных строительных компаний по всему миру. И Азербайджан также перенимает новые технологии строительства. Наш партнёр-строитель “ASTRONBUILDINGS”, с которым мы работаем на протяжении последних семи лет, занимается металлоконструкциями более 60 лет и за это время существенно развил это направление.
“ASTRONBUILDINGS” владеет самыми современными технологиями и занимает первое место в Европе по проектированию и производству герметичных полнокомплектных стальных зданий.
CE: Что Вы думаете по поводу внутренних реформ в сфере малого и среднего бизнеса в Азербайджане?
Кямаледдин Мансимов: Последние несколько лет под руководством Президента Азербайджана г-на Ильхама Алиева осуществляются экономические реформы, которые уже приносят свои позитивные результаты. Страна предприняла беспрецедентные шаги по развитию предпринимательства, были приняты широкомасштабные меры стимулирования. Мы являемся гражданами Азербайджанской Республики и действуем в соответствии с нормами и правилами соответствующих органов страны, занимаемся строительством различных объектов в Азербайджане. Компании, которые желают реализовать какие-либо проекты в Азербайджане, нередко испытывают финансовые трудности. Банки выдают кредиты с большой процентной ставкой, которые невыгодны для предпринимателя, имеющего малый или средний бизнес. Помимо этого банки требуют залог выше предоставленной суммы кредита, и это негативно сказывается на экономических показателях страны. Решением этой задачи может быть, если банк будет брать под залог сам строящийся объект. Если создать такую систему, то произойдут колоссальные изменения в экономике, малый и средний бизнес в Азербайджане начнёт развиваться еще более стремительными темпами.
Я также предлагаю Агентству развития малого и среднего бизнеса Азербайджана создать новое подразделение - Инвестиционное агентство развития малого и среднего бизнеса, которое займется помощью в финансировании предпринимательства.
CE: Кого на азербайджанском рынке Вы считаете своими конкурентами?
Кямаледдин Мансимов: В Азербайджане очень много строительных компаний, но наша особенность заключается в том, что мы предлагаем передовые технологии в строительном секторе и гарантируем высокое качество. В первую очередь мы разрабатываем проекты, в которых учитываем все мелочи - это полнокомплектные герметические стальные здания (каркас, стены, кровля, аксессуары). Заказчик получает документацию КМ, КМД, монтажные чертежи, нагрузки на фундаменты. Технология проектирования и производства «Astron» позволяет свободно применять и традиционные строительные материалы, такие как кирпич, стекло, дерево.
Мы применяем инновационные технологии в Азербайджане, поэтому проекты более качественные и красивые по дизайну. В то же время, они являются выгодными и с точки зрения затрат.
CE: Сейчас во многих развитых странах мира особое внимание уделяется «умным» домам, в том числе, обеспечивающим себя электроэнергией. Как обстоят дела со строительством подобных домов в Азербайджане?
Кямаледдин Мансимов: Мы обладаем такими технологиями. На кровлю можно установить солнечные панели и дом сам себя будет обеспечивать электроэнергией. Но, на данный момент нам не поступало заказов на использование солнечных панелей. Мы работаем по заказу клиента, что он закажет, то мы и строим.
Благодарим за интервью!
Shota Rekhviashvili: Today, ethnic Azerbaijanis play an important role in Georgia’s development
Caspian Energy (CE): In recent years, the size of both domestic and external investments have been increasing in various sectors of economy and infrastructure of Georgia. What are the needs of Kvemo Kartli region in terms of investments and in which sectors are investments being undertaken currently?
Shota Rekhviashvili, State Representative in Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia): Implementing local as well as regional and inter-state infrastructural or other projects, conditioned by profitable strategic geographic location of Georgia and its economic policy, which is oriented on attracting investors and simplifying taxation system, is essential for developing the Georgian economy. 11.4% of total population of Georgia resides in Kvemo Kartli. The region borders Azerbaijan and Armenia, while the shortest route, from North to South, lies through Georgia. Besides, close location to the capital of the region is also noteworthy.
Industrial traditions, geographic location, and natural resources create an excellent environment for the development of business in the fields of agriculture, tourism and other fields of industry. Over 200 non-ferrous, ferrous and noble metals are quarried in Kvemo Kartli region, along with various types of construction and incrustation stones, including Basalt and Tufa. There are a number of thermal resources and hydro minerals in the region. All the fields of animal-breeding and fish-breeding are developed.
We should point out the resources for producing wind and solar energy, especially in Rustavi and Gardabani municipalities. As a result of surveys, it is possible to construct a wind station of 60 megawatts power in these regions, which can give 130 million kilowatt energy annually.
Also, there is a potential of obtaining bio gas in Dmanisi and Tsalka municipalities.
As for implemented investments, its amount increases annually and it covers almost all the fields. In recent years, foreign investments increased reasonably and exceeded several millions of USD in Kvemo Kartli region. Due to the needs and opportunities in the region, it is important for foreign investors to have ready-made business projects in which they can invest. In this term, researches are conducted and municipalities are taking relevant measures.
CE: How do you assess the role of the Azerbaijani population of Kvemo Kartli in social-economic development of the region?
Shota Rekhviashvili: Ethnic Azerbaijanis of the region are distinguished by a special state mindset and they are full-fledged citizens of the country together with Georgians and other ethnic population. Their contribution to the history of developing Georgian statehood is high and even today, they play an important role in the country’s development.
Central and local governments are supporting the integration of the Azerbaijani population and their engagements in the state management. We could say that ethnic Azerbaijanis, who are extremely hard-working, make a big contribution to the economic enhancement of not only Kvemo Kartli region, but of the whole country as well. Their investments in the development of various fields of the region’s agriculture are important.
CE: Can the projects, which are being implemented in Kvemo Kartli, arouse interest among Azerbaijani businessmen? Which of the implemented or ongoing projects can be considered as successful?
Shota Rekhviashvili: Within the framework of strategic cooperation and relations of our countries, a number of regional and world-scale projects have already been implemented. Construction of gas and oil pipelines, together with the cooperation with SOCAR Georgia and others are a vivid demonstration of this.
Azerbaijani businessmen are becoming more and more interested in investing in Georgia and Kvemo Kartli region. Administration of State Representative of Kvemo Kartli facilitates Georgian-Azerbaijani business forums or other informational meetings, which create steady bases solid foundation increase of Azerbaijani investments in our region.
With Georgian-Azerbaijani investment and through the support of state program “Produce in Georgia”, AG Microelectronics was constructed and is operating in Rustavi and is producing TV sets, computers, digital servers, energy efficient bulbs, and other electronic appliances.
Ilham Mustafayev, born and brought up in Georgia, constructed plant Geofeed in Gardabani within the frames of a state agricultural project, in the name of LTD Parid. The plant has been operating since 2015 and investments worth of 1 800 000 USD were implemented in it.
In the village of Jandara, Marneuli Municipality, Azerbaijani company, “Akkord Georgia”, invested 7 000 000 USD and as a result, a fridge complex equipped with the techniques of modern standards and aimed for 1000 tons of agricultural products and 2100 tons of various products is operating there.
We should also note the increasing amount of the investments implemented by ethnic Azerbaijanis. More precisely: construction of two multi-story blocks-of-flats is coming to an end in Rustavi; two local Azerbaijani businessmen are co-investors of the project. Investment exceeds 7 000 000 GEL.
Meat processing company “ShulaShulaveri” has been operating in the village of Shulaveri since 2015. The company was constructed with the investments of Azerbaijanis.
Within the frames of a state program “Plant the Future”, in 2015-2019, over 3000 hectares of land were cultivated and modern breeds of nuts, fruit, and other plants were planted.
Other foreign investors also invested in Kvemo Kartli region, namely: McDonald’s, two plants of sandwich panels, FIFA Football Academy were built in Rustavi, German “Henkel” plant was created in Gardabani, in which tens of millions of USD were invested. Investments, worth of 20 000 00 USD, were implemented in the construction of station “Marneuli 500”. With the Ukrainian investments, worth of 6 500 000 USD, large-scale pork producing complex is operating in Bolnisi.
Implementation of mega projects in Gardabani should be highlighted, such as the electric station, with the power of 230 megawatts, was constructed there and the investments exceeded 200 000 000 USD.
CE: What activities are being carried out for developing business relations between Kvemo Kartli entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen?
Shota Rekhviashvili: The Georgian government has elaborated short and long-term projects of economic development, directly oriented on the welfare of Georgian population through creating jobs and honorable conditions for them. Along with this, it is also important to expand economic relations with neighboring and strategic countries, among which the Republic of Azerbaijan holds its place, indeed. Our aim is to develop the economy, taking into account the standards stipulated by the Association Agreement with the EU. Here, I should also underline that simple taxation system is used in Georgia (various exceptional privileges are also utilized, so-called “Estonian Model” is in force, etc.). Recognition of the World Bank is proof for this. According to the World Bank, the environment for starting and managing a business in the country is one of the best in the world. All the conditions are created to support foreign investors, which is also confirmed by the world recognition, regarding the fact that corruption-free investment is created in the country and the entrepreneur is completely protected from the state interference and pressure. State programs like “Produce in Georgia”, “Plant the Future”, “Cheap Agricultural Credit”, “Agricultural Insurance” and others are operating in the country to facilitate investors and this implies co-funding of business initiatives on the part of the state. In its turn, this creates additional safeguards for supporting the business. I should mention, that we plan to hold respective informational business forums and meetings, taking investors’ interests into account. In these terms, cooperation that has already been launched with “Caspian European Club” is of significant importance as well as business forums held in Georgia under its aegis. This will indeed have its results and will support further development of Georgian-Azerbaijani business partnership. It is noteworthy that the Association Agreement with the EU lives opportunity for the products produced by different investors in Georgia to be presented in the EU market under the brand “Produced in Georgia”.
Aforementioned economic policy, taxation system, and the state’s approach towards foreign investments are expressed in concrete figures.
For the past three years, direct investments, worth of 180 million GEL, were implemented in Kvemo Kartli, which is twice the value of investments made in the previous 3-years (93 million).
The increase in production conditioned reduction of unemployment, the rate of employment is increasing annually.
CE: Integration Center of Azerbaijanis has recently opened in Marneuli. What role and importance do you assign to this Center?
Shota Rekhviashvili: Kvemo Kartli region is distinguished by a high number of the Azerbaijanis. Our friendly co-existence dates back to many centuries. The tolerant environment in Kvemo Kartli region serves as the confirmation to this. The Azerbaijanis constantly have the opportunity to be engaged in all the important events aiming to reveal their possibilities along with the development of the region in general. The Azerbaijanis are represented in decision-making positions in all the municipalities. Civil and NGO sector is also active in this direction. With their engagement and through our active support, various cultural, educational, and sporting events are permanently held in KvemoKartli. For example, traditionally we host festivals “Under Georgian Sun”, United Caucasus” and annually we have a large-scale celebration of public holiday “Novruz Bairam”. It is especially noteworthy that the participants of the event – the youth of our region, perform traditional, folk and choreographical performances characterizing other cultures.
With the support of the central and local governments, we constantly care for further enhancements of friendly and partnering relations between the two states. This process is irreversible and will have a positive impact on the political and economic environment in the country.
As you know, recently we opened Integration Center of the Azerbaijanis in Marneuli together with Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality, and Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan State Committee on Work with Diaspora.
Georgian, Azerbaijani, English and Historic courses, together with sports clubs, are functioning in a multi-profile educational institution.
The center, where state language is taught, creates an additional opportunity for local youth that does not master Georgian completely yet, however they have the desire to learn it and be actively engaged in all the important civil and cultural activities.
The fact that national minorities do not know the state language is one of the main challenges of civil integration which reasonably hampers their full-fledged participation in the country’s political, economic and civil life. However, we should also note that recently Georgian government has been actively implementing state programs based on innovative and diverse methods of teaching Georgian. Correspondingly, the number of school students with high academic attendance has increased reasonably, they know Georgian well and are winners of many interesting and international projects.
I once again point out that our government’s major task is to achieve civil integration in the country which means that each citizen, despite their ethnicity or religion, is equal. I consider, that opening the aforementioned center is one more successful step towards this direction on the way to civil integration and the region of Kvemo Kartli is one of the best examples of tolerant, friendly and peaceful co-existence.
CE: What kind of infrastructure projects could be implemented in the border regions of Georgia and Azerbaijan to increase bilateral flow of tourists?
Shota Rekhviashvili: Administration of State Representative in Kvemo Kartli is intensively working in the direction of developing tourism and is participating in all the important events implemented in municipalities by the initiative of the state or private sector.
It is remarkable that in the direction of development of tourism, a number of important projects have already been launched in the region which imply arrangement and rehabilitation of touristic infrastructure.
By the initiative of Administration of State Representative in Kvemo Kartli, an informational tour was arranged in the municipality for tour guides and the representatives of media. Also, tourist forum and scientific-practical conference were held and a media tour was arranged. The process of signing a memorandum on cooperation with Universities is actively underway within the frames of which the Regional Administration provides realization of the practical component of higher educational programs. Universities promote development of the field of tourism by intellectual resource. Within the frames of activities planned with a view to developing tourism, a working meeting was held in the Regional Administration with the representatives of Ganja-Gazakh Region. At the meeting, the parties discussed the issue of developing border tourism in Kvemo Kartli Region and set the plans to be implemented in this course for the future. With the support of the Administration of State Representative, the region, namely Rustavi Municipality hosted the conclusive conference - “Civil Society for Development and Cooperation: Increasing Tourism Potential in the Border Regions of Azerbaijan and Georgia”.
A project was implemented through co-funding of the EU which aimed at drawing up international travel routes in Ganja-Gazakh and Kvemo Kartli in addition to supporting the enhancement of travel potential on both sides of the border.
Thematic training was held and exchange visits were implemented between the delegations with a view to learning travel potential of the parties and further enhancement of relations. Within the framework of the project, 5 travel routes were drawn up including two routes between Kvemo Kartli and Ganja-Gazakh.
In terms of the project, special attention was paid to German heritage. Major activities of the program included: increasing travel potential on both sides of the border, developing cooperation in the field of economy, creating travel bureaus, operators, information centers, guides, and hotel networks and associations, elaborating international travel routes in Ganja-Gazakh and Kvemo Kartli.
Along with this, it also included development of cooperation between regional and local state bodies in Georgia and Azerbaijan, establishing contacts between the youth of the regions, joint activities in the direction of education and culture and initiatives with a view to increase employment.
Within the scope of the project, tourist centers were opened in Georgia and Azerbaijan and web pages MEGOTURI.GE and MEGOTURI.AZ were designed, which are linked to TravelGIZ tourist platform.
The web page contains information about cultural and archeological sites; wine and adventurous, internal tours or excursions. Also, information about hotels and the tariffs for enjoying abovementioned services. The web page allows interested people to obtain information about local public holidays and festivals as well.
Thank you for the interview
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Roman Peres : Azerbaijan’s embassy opening in Israel will give a strong momentum to the development of relations between the two countries
Caspian Energy (CE): Mr. Vice-Mayor, we would like to ask why exactly Yokneam was chosen as a place for creation of a high-tech zone. Were geographic, climate and other conditions taken into account when making this decision?
Roman Peres, First Vice-Mayor of the city of Yokneam: What happened to Yokneam over the last 30 years? It is an unusual phenomenon which stays unclear to many people even in Israel. Many countries are studying our experience. Yokneam was founded by immigrants from African and West European countries. By mid of 80s Yokneam was a small and unknown dwelling settlement with a population of around 4,500 people. There were two enterprises operating there. One of them was Osem enterprise engaged in food industry. Nowadays, it is a part of Nestle firm. The second enterprise was Soltam. It was a part of a well known Israeli military-industrial enterprise which basic customer used to be Iran. At that time, every mother living in Yokneam dreamt to have her child working for Soltam Company. The thing is that a plain worker’s salary was much higher than that of a bank governor in Yokneam. All this lasted until the revolution happened in Iran, which caused cessation of all relations with Israel.
The unemployment rate in Yokneam reached 45% in 1988-89. A massive outflow of young people from Yokneam began. A few years ago a document, issued at that period by the commission created by the government of Israel, fell into our hands. The document stated that Yokneam does not have a future and in order to prevent its disappearance it has to be linked to one of the neighboring successful cities. There were hard times at that period...
Repatriation from the USSR began in 1989 after the fall of the “iron curtain”. Simon Alfasi was elected as the mayor of Yokneam and since then he has been fulfilling his duties (30 years). Mayor elections take place every 5 years. I would like to note that the first three families which arrived in Yokneam were from Baku. The difference between Yokneam of 1990 and the present city is big. Now it is called a silicon valley and a high-tech center. We have about 150 enterprises operating and 80% of them account for high technologies. Last year, the turnover of the industrial zone totaled $7billion. Yokneam enterprise was sold to the American company two months ago for $6.9billion. The startup of that enterprise was launched in our city. Yokneam is a very young city. You may ask “how Yokneam managed to gain such big success”. We attach importance to the three main points. The first point is the development of industry. We managed to persuade the government to grant Yokneam priority privileges to develop industry. We managed to convince private enterprises to work in Yokneam. Most of these enterprises came here with their employees, skilled engineers, specialists and explorers. The second one is an education. When a young family considers any certain city for settlement, education for children is the first thing that the family pays attention to. We have created the best and successful educational system in Yokneam. Over the last 5-6 years we received a state award twice for developing an education sector in the city. The third point is a comfortable housing. Yokneam is a green city and 35% of it is occupied by housing facilities. We do not build skyscrapers, we want Yokneam to remain a small city. All these three points were the key to successful development of Yokneam.
Owing to industrial enterprises which pay a city tax, the municipalities got an opportunity to invest money into development of Yokneam. Besides, about 50% of the current budget is spent on education which is the key to our success.
CE: What is the difference between the tax regime of Yokneam and other cities?
Roman Peres: Yokneam received the most-favoured-nation status from the state. Every company which came to work here received subsidies from the state. As a municipality, we decided to let companies enjoy city tax discounts during the first three years of their operation in the city. It lasted several years, but early in the 2000s the legislation changed in Israel, so we were prohibited to make such concessions. Yokneam is located close both to the center of the country and to the north.
CE: What could you say about cooperation with the European and Caspian countries? What are your plans in regard to cooperation with Azerbaijan?
Roman Peres: We maintain contact with the European countries. Our delegations make mutual visits. They would do well to learn from us and we would do well to learn from them. Mellanox, Given imaging and others are our enterprises. They are the empires of enterprises. All startups of these companies were launched in Yokneam when they were not even able to rent an office and start their business. They were given small offices at the mayor’s request, where they managed to start their operation. After that, rapid development of companies began. Azerbaijan and Israel have very warm relations which are getting stronger year by year. The goods turnover totaled about $1.5 billion in 2018. The bulk of the goods turnover falls to the share of the military industry, oil, medical tourism, infrastructure and others. If the embassy of Azerbaijan opens in Israel in the near future, it will give even larger momentum to the relations between our countries and our peoples. The absence of the embassy hampers the work of Israeli companies at Azerbaijan’s market. As there is no body which they can apply to, companies apply to embassies of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. About 100,000 persons of Azerbaijani descent live in Israel. We have much in common with Azerbaijan. We will always remember how the Jewish people fled from massacres occurred in the pre-war years in other countries and how Azerbaijan opened its doors for us. At present, representatives of the Baku Diaspora are mayors and vice-mayors of cities in Israel. They obtained a certain status in public agencies of Israel.
A year and a half ago Yokneam and Gabala signed a memorandum on cooperation. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the state of Israel to Azerbaijan Mr. Dan Stav played a big role in development of this cooperation. The Head of the Executive Power of Gabala district Sabuhi Abdullayev invited the mayor and me to make an official visit to Gabala. He is a remarkable person, perfect executive and makes huge efforts to develop Gabala in all fields. We became real friends and I am proud of this friendship. Gabala is an unusual district which is developing rapidly…
CE: Are there plans to create the similar Silicon Valley in Gabala?
Roman Peres: Gabala is a paradise for tourism, which has beautiful hotels, mountain ski resorts and splendid clean air. Many residents of Yokneam have been to Gabala. I think there are other cities where it is preferable to develop a high-tech field.
Agriculture is rapidly developing in Azerbaijan. Irrigation system technologies bought from Israel are used here. The relationship between the two states and the two nations is very strong.
CE: Is it planned to attract ecologically clean technologies into Azerbaijan, as well as open representative offices of Israeli companies?
Roman Peres: We are ready to apply our technologies in Azerbaijan if there is a relevant demand for them. In particular, I would like to note prospects of cooperation in the field of water resources and desalination of sea water. No such problem exists in Yoknam today. The fresh water problem in Israel is very pressing in Yokneam, but the problem had been more pressing until seawater desalination plants were built at the initiative of the current Minister of Defense of Israel and former Minister of Infrastructure Avigdor Liberman. One of our agricultural startups has developed a drop irrigation technology making it possible to save water.
Today, there are very many specialists from Israel working in Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani specialists are working as interns at enterprises in Israel.
Thank you for the interview