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Ilham Aliyev visited national monument in Islamabad
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited the national monument in Islamabad on July 11, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan.
Цена азербайджанской нефти выросла
Цена азербайджанской нефти на мировых биржах повысилась.
Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на АЗЕРТАДЖ, цена барреля азербайджанской нефти марки «Азери Лайт» на мировом рынке, подорожав на 0,95 доллара США или на 1,07 процента, составила 89,84 доллара США.
Цены на нефть на мировых биржах повысились
Цены на нефть на мировых биржах повысились.
Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на АЗЕРТАДЖ, на лондонской бирже ICE (InterContinental Exchange Futures) баррель нефти марки Brent подорожал на 0,71 доллара - до 85,79 доллара.
In the first half, Azerbaijan produced 14.4 million tons oil
According to operational data for January-June 2024, Azerbaijan produced 14.4 million tons oil (including condensate).
Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli accounted for 8.2 million tons of oil produced in the republic while Shah Deniz for 2.1 million tons (condensate) and Absheron for 0.3 million tons. SOCAR's oil output amounted to 3.8 million tons (including condensate).
During the reporting period, the volume of exported oil, including condensate, amounted to nearly 11.9 million tons. Out of this, consortium accounts for nearly 10.3 million tons, SOCAR for 1.6 million tons.
In January-June of the current year, oil refining in the country amounted to 3.2 million tons.
In June 2024, daily oil production (including condensate) in Azerbaijan amounted to 80585 tons, including 65597 tons crude oil and 14988 tons condensate.
For 6 months, 25.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas was produced in the country. 6.5 bcm of gas production extracted from ACG, while 14 bcm from Shah Deniz. Absheron and SOCAR produced 0.8 bcm and 3.8 bcm of gas respectively. Gas was transported with an increase of namely 1 bcm, 4.3 percent compared to the relevant period of last year.
Since its commissioning till 1 July 2024, more than 639.6 million tons oil (including condensate) and 445.9 bcm of gas were extracted from Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli and Shah Deniz. 593 million tons oil and 222.9 bcm of gas were extracted from Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli. About 223 bcm of gas and nearly 46.6 million tons of condansate were extracted from Shah Deniz. Up to now, approximately 637.6 million tons oil (including condensate), about 158.8 bcm of gas were exported.
Ilham Aliyev arrived on state visit to Pakistan
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev embarked on a state visit to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on July 11.
As a special gesture of honor, the aircraft of the head of state was met upon arrival in Pakistan's airspace by the fighter jets of the Pakistani Air Force and escorted all the way to the destination, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan.
President Ilham Aliyev was welcomed by Pakistan's Prime Minister, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif.
The welcome ceremony was followed by the meeting between President of Azerbaijan and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Ильхам Алиев прибыл с государственным визитом в Пакистан
11 июля Президент Азербайджанской Республики Ильхам Алиев прибыл с государственным визитом в Исламскую Республику Пакистан. Об этом сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на
Azerbaijan, UK mull transition to green energy
A roundtable on transition to green energy in Azerbaijan was held with the participation of Deputy Minister Orkhan Zeynalov between representatives from the Ministry and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
At the round table, information was provided about renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan, decarbonization, the current situation in the field of energy efficiency, current projects implemented and the next steps on cooperation between Azerbaijan and Great Britain on renewable energy, especially green hydrogen production, as well as energy efficiency and strengthening of power grids were discussed.
The representatives from the Ministry of Energy, AREA, AERA, as well as Azerenergy OJSC, Azerishiq OJSC, SOCAR and bp attended the event, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to Ministry of Energy.
Азербайджан обсудил с Великобританией переход на "зеленую энергию"
Обсуждения прошли в рамках круглого стола на тему "Переход на зеленую энергию в Азербайджане", организованного совместно с Управлением энергетической безопасности и нулевых выбросов Великобритании.
Как сообщает Caspian Energy Media со ссылкой на Министерство энергетики,на круглом столе была предоставлена информация о текущей ситуации в области возобновляемых источников энергии, декарбонизации, энергоэффективности в Азербайджане, а также о реализуемых проектах.
В мероприятии приняли участие представители Министерства энергетики, Государственного агентства по возобновляемым источникам энергии, Агентства по регулированию энергетических вопросов, а также ОАО "Азерэнержи", ОАО "Азеришыг", Государственной нефтяной компании Азербайджана и компании BP.
Production of Gross Domestic Product in January-June 2024
In January-June 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 59520,4 million manats or 4,3 percent more compared to the same period of the previous year was produced in the country.
Value added produced in oil and gas sector of the economy increased by 0,6 percent, while in non-oil and gas sector it increased by 6,9 percent, Caspian Energy Media reports with reference to State Statistical Committee
38,5 percent of GDP was produced in industry, 9,7 percent trade; vehicle repair areas, 7,0 percent transport and warehouse, 5,8 percent construction, 5,8 percent agriculture, forestry and fishing, 2,4 percent tourists' accommodation and public catering, 1,7 percent information and communication, 19,5 percent other fields, 9,6 percent net taxes on product and import.
GDP per capita had been equal to 5840,7 manats.
Birinci yarımildə respublikada 3,2 milyon ton neft emal edilib
Respublika üzrə neft hasilatının 8,2 milyon tonu “Azəri-Çıraq-Günəşli”nin, 2,1 milyon tonu (kondensat) “Şahdəniz”in, 0,3 milyon tonu (kondensat) Abşeron yatağının payına düşüb. SOCAR üzrə neft (kondensatla birlikdə) hasilatı 3,8 milyon ton təşkil edib.
Caspian Energy Media nazirliyə istinadən xəbər verir ki, hesabat dövründə təxminən 11,9 milyon ton neft (kondensatla birlikdə) ixraca nəql olunub. Bunun 10,3 milyon tonu konsorsiumun, 1,6 milyon tonu isə SOCAR-ın payına düşür.
Cari ilin yanvar-iyun aylarında ölkədə neftin emalı 3,2 milyon ton təşkil edib.
2024-cü ilin iyun ayında gündəlik neft (kondensatla birlikdə) hasilatı 80 585 ton olub. Bunun 65 597 tonunu xam neft, 14 988 tonunu kondensat təşkil edib.